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Red VID Example - Choice Faces

Red [ needs 'view file: Author: "Mike Parr" ] check1-changed: function [] [ print ["check1-has changed. Current state is: " check1/data] ] drop1-selection: function [] [;;;;;;;;;ok either drop-down1/selected = none [ print "drop-down1: no selection yet" ] [ print ["Drop-down1: " mold pick drop-down1/data drop-down1/selected] ] ] postal-selection: function [] [ either postal-drop-list/selected = none [ print "drop-list - no selection yet" ] [ print ["Selected position in postal-drop-list: " postal-drop-list/selected] ;multiply by 2 to get corresponding integer in list print ["Postal cost: " pick postal-drop-list/data postal-drop-list/selected * 2] ] ] days-textlist-value: function [] [ ;-- handle no selection either days-text-list/selected = -1 [ print "text-list: no selection yet" ] [ print ["text-list: " pick days-text-list/data days-text-list/selected] ] ] view [ h3 " Red Vid Examples: selection " return mytext: text 300x25 bold orange font-size 12 "Output messages" return h5 "Panel" ;not really a selection, but used in radio examples here panel1: panel black [ ;panel with 2 buttons in it panel1-button1: button "panel1-b1" [mytext/text: "panel1-button1 clicked"] panel1-button2: button "panel1-b2" [mytext/text: "panel1-button2 clicked"] ] return h5 "Check, radio: " return check1: check "Check me" [check1-changed] panel2: panel orange [ ;could use function, but showing event code in face definition panel2-radio1: radio "Big" [print ["radios 1 2 3 are: " panel2-radio1/data panel2-radio2/data panel2-radio3/data]] panel2-radio2: radio "Small" [print ["radios 1 2 3 are: " panel2-radio1/data panel2-radio2/data panel2-radio3/data]] panel2-radio3: radio "Medium" [print ["radios 1 2 3 are: " panel2-radio1/data panel2-radio2/data panel2-radio3/data]] ] return h5 "Drop-down" return drop-down1: drop-down "B" data ["A1" "A2" "B1" "B2"] button-drop-down1: button "Drop-down selection is..." [drop1-selection] return h5 "Drop-list" return ;drop=list - NB integers are not shown on-screen, but remain is the list postal-drop-list: drop-list data ["Basic" 33 "Second-class" 40 "Priority" 99] postal-button: button "postal-choice is..." [postal-selection] return h5 "Text-list" return days-text-list: text-list pink 90x110 data [ "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" ] days-button: button "Days selection..." [days-textlist-value] button-add-sat: button "Add Saturday in" [append days-text-list/data "Saturday"] ]